
Promoting Sports in Residence Lanteri near Paris

Residence Lanteri near Paris is well situated for physical activity and outdoor and indoor sports. The ‘Coulée Verte’ (a track for running, cycling or rollerskating) is a few metres away from the Residence.

A choice of local physical activities for students of Resident Lanteri near Paris

  • A football team formed by residents of Residence Lanteri plays regularly on the municipal soccer field situated less than 700 m. away
  • Less than a 100 m. away from the Residence, there is a Cycling or running track (Coulée Verte) which covers over 15 km.
  • Fontenay aux Roses municipal swimming pool is hardly 1 km from the residence
  • There are municipal Tennis courts less than 2 km from the residence,
  • And finally the Golf course of Verrières le Buisson is about 10 km from the residence

Service aux étudiants

Service de l'Hôtellerie

Plan d'accès

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Indoor activities in Residence Lanteri near Paris

Physical exercises are also strongly encouraged in Residence Lanteri near Paris. That is why we provide our residents with:

a fully equipped body-building room to facilitate the complete development of the person
and a room with billiard table and babyfoot.

The Lanteri University Residence (RUL) is a student hostel for boys and girls, run by a Catholic Institute, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.